
Friday, June 18, 2010

Putting the Dock In

So here is part of the dock being designed on the spot by the head engineer, Grandpa. Head of constructions is Daniel and heading up logistics is Nicko. Isaac was the head bug inspector whether they needed a bug inspector or not. Alyssa was a consultant. Her most frequently asked question was from Grandpa wanting to know if she knew where he left something. I am not sure about this particular project, but generally speaking we have found that she does know exactly where something was left. Grandma was Head of decorating....but that will be a separate post. Everyone helped and worked hard. Grandpa gets most patient man alive award. (I would have been screaming my head off when head bug inspector was bug inspecting instead of holding the board like he was supposed to!) :-)

The garage was construction central. Good thing we have a big garage.

I helped too. I painted the ramp. Thank you Mr. Eric for giving us non slip sand to mix in with the paint so the kids do not slip when they are wearing their water shoes.

Finally the day of putting the dock in was not the glorious sunshiny day that we were hoping for, but the water was not super cold and things went very smoothly. So we went from....


So after all that hard work we had no choice but to.....(sorry for the over exposed picture)

Then, drum roll please, it was time for the maiden voyage.

And finally it was Dad's turn to help too. We left him this. :-)

Overall, it was a super fun week. Poor Grandpa was so busy being Head Engineer that he did not have the time to sit back and enjoy the fruit of his labor. I can say that we have had a ball with the dock already and summer has barely begun. :-)

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