
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Family Fun

We've been enjoying summer this year. Tonight we had a three family get together. There were 19 of us all together. We started off at the dock while the kids swam. I did not get any pictures of that. Then the we headed for the back yard. The kids split up into groups and played various games while the adults played boccie ball. I had the game of my life and I was so glad that I had so many witnesses to see me play so well. :-)

We were very technical with our measuring system. That is a willow branch that we used to check the distance from ball to ball.

What a lovely crowd of children. They are all polite, respectful and they play together so nicely.

And what is an evening without a little romance?

Then we made homemade pizzas on the grill for dinner. Yummy. Sorry no pictures there....I was too busy and you might already know what pizza looks like. ;-) Then the kids ran off to play. When it started to get a bit chilly, David kindly started a beautiful fire for us to enjoy. You can see the kids in the background playing Duck, Duck, Goose. I love to see them play the same games I played as a kid.

And of course, after the fire burns down you cannot let all those lovely coals go to waste. So it is a good thing that we were prepared for s'mores.

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