(Insert a mental picture of the kids bundled up in their snow gear.)
To say the kids were delighted would be an understatement. They were outside playing in the snow drifts before breakfast. Nicko went to work on shoveling the driveway without even being asked. Someone told him that shoveling snow was good for the pectoral muscles.....so off he went. It was very hard work and I think he was more than a little happy to get help from Dad and two of the best neighbors in the world.
(Insert a mental picture of Nicko very seriously shoveling
a foot of snow off the driveway and a photo of the
John Deere tractor that has a snow blowing attachment
that Joel drools over every time he sees it.)
a foot of snow off the driveway and a photo of the
John Deere tractor that has a snow blowing attachment
that Joel drools over every time he sees it.)
We had a fire thanks to our wonderful neighbor that brought us a huge load of firewood to enjoy. We played countless games of checkers and Uno in front of the toasty warm fireplace. Mom was the checker champ of the day! ;-)
(Insert a few pictures of us hanging out, the checker
board, and the roaring fire in our fireplace that was
perfectly decorated for Christmas. You believe me
right? Just say yes.)
board, and the roaring fire in our fireplace that was
perfectly decorated for Christmas. You believe me
right? Just say yes.)
Daniel, Isaac and Alyssa made a pile of paper snowflakes that now decorate our sun room.
Snow days are so fun because they are unexpected little pockets of time to catch up and spend time together as a family. It is so wonderful to have the snow storms raging outside while you are safe inside tucked in front of a fire and your kids are chattering and playing throughout the house. I love snow days. The kids love snow days.
Unfortunately the pictures I took are all stuck on my photo card and I cannot get them into the computer. Daniel also took some pictures and his are stuck as well. So he gets a little of the mental image credit. If I ever recover the pictures, I will add them to this post.
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