
Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm Gobsmacked!

That's an English term for shocked. I love that word. Joel thinks it a Willy Wonka-ish word and he rolls his eyes every time I say it. Anyway the reason I am gobsmacked is....because I have been spring cleaning and I completely forgot about taking pictures and writing all about our adventures. We have been living through a lake fly invasion and outside is kind of...well...buggy. I'll spare you the pictures of that. But if you're really curious I can email you some very graphic photos of our invasion.

Anyway, so I have been stuck inside ALL WEEK. I have a lovely collection of flowers sitting outside waiting for me to turn them into colorful works of art!!! :-) But I am cleaning instead. I have really gotten through several projects that I have put off for a long time. But there is only so much satisfaction in that. I would rather go outside and dig in the dirt than CLEAN.

The good news is that our bugs are going away. So tomorrow morning my dear husband is taking a short little trip with a few of the kids and I am going to the back yard with a few of the other kids and I am going to put my little flower pots together and create a lush patio paradise. Okay maybe not lush and maybe not a paradise, but it's a lush paradise in my head. By the way, has anyone ever bought one of those huge palm trees from Sam's Club or Costco and left it outside for the summer? I think a few of those babies would help add to the lush paradise feel. Unfortunately, I am already over my flower budget and I will not be trying the lush palms this year. Well not unless we win the lotto!

I cannot wait for tomorrow. Isaac is also excited. He told me that his tomato plants are better than mine and he could probably give me a few pointers for next year. He has started a graph to keep track of his tomato plants. I just don't think that is normal for a 11 year old. He is also quite sure that when he grows up he would like to start graphing tomato plants to find the prefect tomato and plants. He can easily talk about tomato plants for over a half an don't ask him....he will not stop talking. Isaac is a firm believer that whatever he likes, you should like as well and be as passionate about it as he is. That kid is in for a little disapointment in that area.

Well, I must go. I just wanted to drop a line....or two?...and say that I have remembered I have a blog and I will no longer neglect it. Nicko practices the piano right before he goes to bed. So every night I like to perch myself in the living room while he is practicing. There is nothing so lovely as Pachabel drifting through a silent house late at night (late at night for us is usually 8:30!). I almost wish I could chain him to the piano so I could hear his lovely music all day long. For some reason Nicko is against this. Teenagers! :-)

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