
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chicken Update

Now that Grandpa built an awesome coop for our chickens we had to build a yard for them to play in and to protect them from predators.  So, we hauled about half of the tools in our garage to the back yard and got to work. 

Stretching chicken wire is hard work.  The fellas did a great job doing everything I told them to.  :-)

We build the whole yard in two days.  Last night we were up late finishing the job.  That's okay though because we had great working conditions.  

And this is what we came up with.

Grandpa left us with a blue print to build a gate and Nicko built it like a pro.  The gate works perfectly. 

We still have some trim to add and some finishing touches to work on, but for the most part we are so happy with our big project. Now we sit back and enjoy watching the little critters do their thing.  Alyssa is our chicken charmer.

Joel is so proud of how much 'his' chickens eat. 

For some reason, we get a kick out of watching the chickens use the little ramp we built for them to get in and out of their coop.

I love our little chicken coop and our tiny 'flock' of birds. They have been so fun to watch. They do the funniest things and we just love our birds. I promise not to post any more chicken pictures...until we start getting eggs. :-)

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