
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Frenchship. (Which is a play on Friendship)

Two weeks ago we were eating French chocolates. We were listening to interesting stories about life in southern France. We were using heavenly triple milled French soap that smelled amazing. We had French wine, and we were speaking French. Oh la la!

We were not in France, we had the pleasure of meeting Madame Martine Liquet. She is a teacher in France and she traveled to the US with 14 exchange students from France. She brought us gifts of chocolate, soap, wine, key chains and traditional red scarves that are worn during a festival in the Bayonne area. We sent her home with measuring cups and spoons to help her make a few new recipes from the US.

We had such a great time with Martine. By the time she left, we all thought of her as family. We are all happy that we got a chance to learn about her culture, her cooking and her family. It was also interesting to hear about her views of America.

Here is a list of everyone's favorite aspect of Martine's stay with us.
  • Joel - Listening to her tell us about her home and her views of Spain as well.
  • Heather - Her new recipe ideas and talking to her about parenting.
  • Amanda - Spa time with Martine and how she compared the US to France.
  • Nicko - Learning about a new culture and having her stay with us. I also liked it when she got so excited about meatloaf.
  • Daniel - I LOVED listening to her accent because it was so different and listening to her stories. She has a good sense of humor.
  • Isaac - Playing Apples to Apples with her when she won.
  • Alyssa - She gave me a hug goodnight every night and she was so nice.

Martine, you are always welcome with us. Please come back soon. Vous etes toujours bien venu avec nous. Veuillez revenir bientot.

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