
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Coming to a Galaxy near You...

We were invaded this weekend. The kids brought the Legos out and took over half the family room to build, display and TEST their creations. We started out with a pile of Legos that quickly spread.

This is Daniel's awesome car. He designed it to flip and keep going. Joel and Daniel were giggling like little girls as they built a course for the vehicle. I did not get a picture of the course or the boys 'playing cars.' Too bad.

Alyssa built a landing pad for our awesome space ships. The landing station came complete with a crew of really cute Lego men.

We had so much fun. I made my own space ship. I started out just building something to make the kids happy. Then I revised it and had to rebuild it. I created a Space Rescue Vehicle. It is a tow ship for broken down space ships. So here is the empty ship.

The back end opens to let the broken down space ship in.

And here it is with the rescued ship.

Here is the happily and safely rescued space ship. Our fleet of SRV's use the latest technology, training and research to set industry benchmarks in the space rescue field. That is Joel making fun of me. But I don't care. My secret to an awesome SRV? It's color coordinated. :-)

One last shot of my awesomeness!

Here is an interesting side note. We have not purchased one piece of Lego for the kids. These are all Joels Legos from his childhood. I think that is so cool. I wonder how many generations of play we can get from a tote of Legos.

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