
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Florida

This year we spent Christmas in Florida. We were so lucky to be there with Grandma and Grandpa Boiten as well as the Uncle Gary, Aunt Janna, Matt and Megan. We had a great week of weather. Plus we were all in the same great resort, thanks to our very wonderful neighbor. Check out his website at the bottom of this post. This is the view from our condo of a beautiful sunrise.

We were really in need of some time off when we arrived in Florida. The very first night we arrived we unpacked and sat down to play a few games while we waited for the pizza to arrive. The kids loved having their cousins around to play with. So, we played a lot.

This is a shot of the kids getting ready to go visit the miniature golf course.

We brought the boy's kites along. They had a lot of fun with them on the beach.

I stayed in the condo and took pictures from the balcony.

Joel and Grandpa are ready to help with untangling lines, advice, and the lift off.

If you are looking for a get away, check out You'll find beautiful properties, great rates and Jim is a great guy to work with. The site is still under construction at the moment. As soon as it is up and running I'll let you know. ....I know you're curious!

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