
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Feed The World is our new favorite place to hang out on the internet. For every question you answer correctly, they will donate ten grains of rice to a needy child somewhere in the world. If you can answer ten questions correctly that is enough to feed one child. I am not quite sure how they figured that.

They offer several subjects and they also have different levels for each subject so this is something that anyone can do with just a few minutes of free time.

Here is a link:

Warning, it can be very addictive. Once we start, everyone is fighting for a chance to answer questions and it is usually awhile before we stop. Have fun and enjoy a free way to give.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beach

We love the beach and a few days of warm weather was plenty of time to let us enjoy the beach to it's fullest. Alyssa and Megan had a lot of fun running in and out of the waves. We had strong rip tides while we were there so they had to stay in the shallow water, but they still had fun.

Nicko decorated the surf with pictures he drew with a shovel.
Aunt Janna treated everyone to an hour's rental of a beach bike. The kids loved it. Even Grandpa and Joel tried it out. Thanks Aunt Janna, it was lots of fun.
What a happy group of kids. Nicko, Matt, Daniel, Isaac, Megan and Alyssa.

Joel, Isaac, Daniel, Nicko, Matt, Gerry, and Gary.
Building sandcastles are a rite of passage.
The water slide at the condo was fun for the kids. The pool water was freezing cold but the kids did not care.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Florida

This year we spent Christmas in Florida. We were so lucky to be there with Grandma and Grandpa Boiten as well as the Uncle Gary, Aunt Janna, Matt and Megan. We had a great week of weather. Plus we were all in the same great resort, thanks to our very wonderful neighbor. Check out his website at the bottom of this post. This is the view from our condo of a beautiful sunrise.

We were really in need of some time off when we arrived in Florida. The very first night we arrived we unpacked and sat down to play a few games while we waited for the pizza to arrive. The kids loved having their cousins around to play with. So, we played a lot.

This is a shot of the kids getting ready to go visit the miniature golf course.

We brought the boy's kites along. They had a lot of fun with them on the beach.

I stayed in the condo and took pictures from the balcony.

Joel and Grandpa are ready to help with untangling lines, advice, and the lift off.

If you are looking for a get away, check out You'll find beautiful properties, great rates and Jim is a great guy to work with. The site is still under construction at the moment. As soon as it is up and running I'll let you know. ....I know you're curious!

Disney World

Grandma and Grandpa gave us all an incredible Christmas present this year. They bought us each a ticket to Disney World. I don't care how old you are, Disney makes everyone a kid at heart.

We arrived early and had to wait to get into the park. So of course it was the perfect time to take lots of pictures.
Space Mountain was the favorite ride of the day. But all the rides were a hit.

Here is the group after a big wave hit them on Splash Mountain. Joel and Daniel are in the front row, followed by Grandpa and Matt; Isaac and Nicko; Megan, Aunt Janna and Alyssa are bringing up the rear. Smart girls as they probably came out the driest. Uncle Gary, Grandma and I stayed on dry ground. Someone had to take pictures!

Here are our tough, masculine men in tea cups!

With all the rides, counting heads, and figuring out what to do next and how to get there, we had to take a few breaks.

Here is Nicko on the Dumbo ride. All the kids waited in a LONG line for this ride. Lucklily Disney World was planning ahead for us and had a nice little cafe right next to the ride so Mom and Dad could sit down and take a break while still keeping an eye on the kids. This was one of the last rides of the day and the light was definitely fading.

Here is a bit of Disney World wisdom that I thought was pretty cool from the Alice in Wunderland display.

Finally, a bit of whimsy. Isaac was amazed with these green sculptures. He has asked several times if we can buy a boxwood bush this summer so he can try something like this.
