
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our One Year Anniversary

November 9, 2008 was the day a big yellow moving truck pulled into the drive way of our new home and we officially started a new chapter in our life. It is amazing what a difference a year can make. It sure is fun to look back, but I am even more grateful that we are settled.
Here are the kids' top three things that they like about living in Wisconsin.

Nicko - The people that live here are really nice to us, I like swimming in the lake and I like all the cheese they make here.

Daniel - I love all the dairy products that Wisconsin makes, I love my school and I like being able to go fishing off the dock any time I want to.

Isaac - I like the wood paneling in my bedroom, I love having a big yard to play in, and I love fishing off the dock.

Alyssa - All my new friends, I like our house and I like living by the lake. I really hope it is warm enough next summer to actually swim in the lake.

And just for fun, here are a few before and after pictures. It was Alyssa's idea to not label the following pictures. She wants you to see if you can tell which pictures are the before and which ones are the after. ;-)

OPPS!!! I lost an 'after' picture. I must have accidentally deleted it. I will have to retake the picture and post it later.

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