
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fifth Grade Graduation

Just in case you were wondering what 15 dozen egg shells might look like. By the way, if your child's school asks you to bring a large amount of scrambled eggs to a school function, my recommendation is to offer to bring cut up fruit instead!

This morning, Isaac had a fifth grade graduation breakfast and award ceremony at school. Sniff sniff. I am pretty sure he got a bigger kick out of the breakfast, but he did manage to get recognized for a few academic achievements as well. The above picture is Isaac with his best friend, Noah. All I know is that next year, I have four children going to four different schools and my 'baby' is going to be a fourth grader. Usually a blase expression such as time flies would be appropriate, but for today, that's not going to cut it. The kids are growing up. As things get busier and busier around here, I keep reminding myself to enjoy ever second that I can. I think I need to go shopping and think about something else. ;-)

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