Joel and I escaped to the Caribbean for a one week cruise. We had a great time and it was really great to spend time with my husband that has been living in another state for the last five months. It was a wonderful second honeymoon.
We went to Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Grand Cayman. The weather was a little cool, but we managed to come home with a slight tan. The ship was beautiful, the crew was very interesting, friendly and very good at pampering us. What hard workers they all are. They work 75 hours a week and work for six months straight before they get two months of unpaid leave. We came home with a huge appreciation for the opportunity to live at home while earning a living. (Although with Joel in Michigan for the last 5 months, I think I had a little more understanding for what their families at home were going through.)
We had the best time and we were truly relaxed when the ship docked in Tampa again. However, the second honey moon was over right then and there! We hurried to get off the ship, and Joel drove back to Alabama amid snow and gusting winds. But it was a great time and we enjoyed every second of it. We got home Monday evening in time to have dinner with the kids. We had really missed the kids while we were gone. ...but we really managed to enjoy not having them around as well!
Things are back to usual and I had to start thinking, organizing and planning again! I did forget a few things Tuesday morning and luckily the kids were on top of it for me. After the kids were on the bus, Mom and Uncle Matt took off to head back home. Joel and I hoped into bed and took a nap, a three hour nap!
We do have one funny story from our trip that the kids have gotten a huge kick out of. When we got off the ship we decided to carry our own luggage off to save time and get on the road as soon as possible. However, we were not the only ones to have this idea and we could not catch an empty elevator down to the debarkation deck. So, finally Joel decided to carry our very stuffed suitcases down four flights of stairs. I carried a carry on bag and the garment bag and Joel took everything else. Luckily Joel is very strong. Once we got off the ship the customs area was next. The humidity of Florida was not too bad, but Joel had just manhandled about 250 pounds of luggage down four flights of stairs and he was sweating. When we got to customs, the agent was very curious as to why Joel was sweating so profusely. When Joel explained we could not catch an elevator, the guy smiled and let us go. For a few seconds I had visions of being detained and having EVERYTHING searched. ;-)
The above pictures are: a shot of Honduras from the ship, a re created Mayan temple in Belize, and our ship in Cozumel, Mexico.
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