
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weather Day!

We learned something about our new community. When the weather gets too cold, school gets canceled. We have been hovering around -25 degrees (including wind chill factor.). Today we hit -30 degrees with the wind chill factor and there was no school for anyone in our area. The actual temperature was -6 degrees.

Usually snow days are greatly anticipated as they are the best days for sledding, snow-man-building, creating snow angel families, building forts and of course the very serious snow ball fights. This weather day was very different for us due to the frostbite factor.

After the cheers died down when the kids found out there was no school, they quickly starting looking for something really great to do with their day off. They finally decided it was a great day to unload the little bit of Play Dough and get creative with Alyssa's play kitchen stuff. Except all the Play Dough was dried out and hard as a rock. So, we made a few batches of homemade dough and did they have fun.

They played "Iron Chef, Wisconsin" all morning long. They would set the timer and each 'chef' had to create a work of art with their little collection of doughs. It was so cute and it kept them quiet for about four hours! I was amazed and delighted. They made a huge mess and it's a good thing Joel wasn't around, but they had fun. Nicko is drying one of his masterpieces and the rest of the kids couldn't wait to tear theirs apart so they could make something else.

The pictures above are Alyssa working with her play dough, Nicko's blueberry cheese cake, and a beautiful turkey burger with some of Alyssa's plastic play food.

1 comment:

jdeboer said...

You are such an awesome mom! I have our playdough hidden in a closet so...out of site..out of mind! Its soooo messy! And the last time we tried with Caleb it was quite an experience! Looks like you guys are haveing fun!
