
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

April 2012 - Vacation

I am way behind on family blogging.
No promises, but I am going to TRY to catch up.
I'll work my way backwards.

Last month we went on a cruise to celebrate Joel's 40th birthday.

But let's start at the beginning. 
We drove for two days to get to here... 

We got on our ship in New Orleans.
And even after beautiful New Orleans, there were still a lot of amazing things to see on the ship.

The kids had a room with four bunk beds and Joel and I were right across the hallway.

We went swimming with dolphins in Mexico.
This was SO much fun.
We fed them.

We posed for pictures with them.

We learned lots of interesting things about dolphins from the trainer.

The dolphins were very affectionate.

Joel was very affectionate too!

Back on the cruise, we hung out...

...goofed around...

...and got dressed up for some fancy dinners.

We had so much fun.
Kids are already planning the next cruise.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Big Night Out

It's Prom Time.

Daniel asked Sarah to the prom in a very unique way.
He did a card trick for her.
It meant a lot to him when she said she would be his date.

The  boutonniere pinning...or the moment they are both praying for a safe pinning.

Daniel was thrilled that she liked her flowers.
What a sweet girl.

The prom crew was a group of five couples.
We got a few fun shots before they all headed off for dinner and the dance.

The Pre-Prom Tebow

Daniel came home very happy and very tired. There was a Post Prom party at the YMCA and then movies at a friends house. Unfortunately for Daniel, he also had a long day of work ahead of him on Sunday. But he said that every dime and being exhausted on Sunday was worth it and he can't wait for next year.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

'Wii' Love to Dance

Have you ever played one of those dancing video games?
Like Just Dance?

We are sort of addicted to them.
Joel does not mess around when it comes to getting his dance on.
Get out of his way or else...


Grey is not amused by all the commotion.

Don't even try to beat this young man.
He has more than a few high scores on this game that we cannot beat.

Sorry, Nicko.
Better luck next time.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Member of the Family

Everyone meet Grey.

Grey came to live with us this weekend.  We went to pick up a few chickens from a farmer and came home with a few chickens AND a cat.  Joel was not really to keen on the idea, but...

...he and Grey have bonded.  Joel is sort of like a cat whisperer.  If Joel goes to the bathroom, Grey follows him.  If Joel lays down, so does Grey.  I think they love each other.

Grey will be two years old this summer.  He loves to play, jump up on things, eat, sleep and he loves computers.

Grey also loves taking naps with Morgan.  Morgan was a little jealous when Grey came home and got lots of attention, but they have worked out their differences.  The only problem now is when Grey decides to take a nap on Morgan's bed without Morgan.  That is pushing the limits as far as Morgan is concerned and she needs a little extra loving to help her forgive that rude cat. 

Grey is also fascinated with the TV. 

He is not such a big fan of the news, but the bird commercial is his favorite.  I think he wants me to put the bird commercial back on.  Sorry kitty. 

Anyway, that's about all that is new here.  :-) 
