
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Dough Day

Sunday and Monday brought us a lot of blowing snow. It was crazy. The kids were super disappointed that they finally had enough snow to get a snow day....but since it was President's Day, they were off anyway. They are really getting ripped off this winter. Poor kids.

Anyway, we treated it just like a snow day anyway. We made play dough.

The kids played Iron Chef: Play Dough.

Jake came over too. I forgot to mention that earlier. We love Jake. He made lasagna roll ups. He loves them.

And Daniel HAD to wear Alyssa's toy necklace. HAD to. Now you're all going to see what I have to put up with sometimes. And by the way, this was not just to keep the necklace away from Alyssa...which is usually his motivation. He made an ice cream sundae, play dough style.

I made cupcakes for the kids. Aren't they cute? If you don't think so that is okay.

And I made some pretty fancy hot chocolate cups. Just for the record, I will never do this again. You would think that soft peppermint candy would be easily breakable. It's not. Now you know.

Winter Festival 2011

We used to call it the snow ball, but this year the kids called it White Out. Nicko and Stephanie went together and they were so cute.

Nicko learned that you do not wait for the girl to tell you to buy flowers... wait for Mom to tell you to buy flowers. I think he missed the point. But in the end it all worked out.


Daniel is getting ready for something special. He was asked to perform with the orchestra in a special performance. He played his tuba and performed Sinfonietta (Mod 1): Return of the Monarchs with one of the orchestras. It was a great honor to be asked and Daniel really enjoyed the experience.

He got to wear a tuxedo for the performance and it was all rather exciting.

I only have one complaint. This is what we saw of Daniel during the concert. I was not too excited about the photo opps that I missed.

Good job Daniel. Just next time could you please arrange to sit on the other side of the stage so we can see you while you are performing? Thank you. XOXO

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

Living in Michigan for a few decades never gave us the thrill of having our home team go to the Super Bowl. So this was such a fun and new experience for us. Being so close to Green Bay put us right in the heart of Packer Fever.

Joel, Daniel, and Nicko actually got to go to a game. Nicko and Joel were given tickets for the day after Christmas and Daniel got to go with our neighbor. Anyway, being at Lambeau field just added to the excitement for them.

Right after the Super Bowl win, people were beeping their horns as they drove by. There are fireworks going off across the lake. The local news is doing a 90 minute recap of local events, player interviews, plans for next year and just overall pride in the Packers win.

Here are a few pictures from our Super Bowl XLV party in the living room.

  • Packer veggies.

  • Mini Packer cupcakes.

  • Morgan made a friend, Maggie. Don't they look cute?
