Sunday and Monday brought us a lot of blowing snow. It was crazy. The kids were super disappointed that they finally had enough snow to get a snow day....but since it was President's Day, they were off anyway. They are really getting ripped off this winter. Poor kids.
Anyway, we treated it just like a snow day anyway. We made play dough.
The kids played Iron Chef: Play Dough.
Jake came over too. I forgot to mention that earlier. We love Jake. He made lasagna roll ups. He loves them.
And Daniel HAD to wear Alyssa's toy necklace. HAD to. Now you're all going to see what I have to put up with sometimes. And by the way, this was not just to keep the necklace away from Alyssa...which is usually his motivation. He made an ice cream sundae, play dough style.
I made cupcakes for the kids. Aren't they cute? If you don't think so that is okay.
And I made some pretty fancy hot chocolate cups. Just for the record, I will never do this again. You would think that soft peppermint candy would be easily breakable. It's not. Now you know.