Just in time for the holidays, we got a new microwave. Who needs TV when you have a new kitchen appliance?

We decorated the house inside and out for Christmas.
I made this!
Alyssa's Christmas concert.
We made gingerbread angels and snowmen cookies to decorate a tree during a weekend blizzard. We made a huge mess in the kitchen.
We waited for the gingerbread to bake.
We decorated the snowmen and angels.
We waited for them to dry.
We hung them up and they smelled so good. They still smelled rich and spicy when we took the tree down.
We went to Wisconsin Dells for a weekend of water park fun and relaxation.

We hung out with our good friends and had lots of fun with them.
We played outside. This is Alyssa's six inch tall snow man. I think he is so adorable.
We had hot chocolate with our friends after playing outside with our friends.
We made and ate some of our favorite 'Holiday Only' foods.
Our traditional Christmas breakfast, creme brulee french toast.
We had a rocking awesome New Year's Eve party with good friends and even more food.
BTW - Hedbanz is a great group game to play. The kids got a huge kick out of the fact that I could not figure out that I was a parrot!
And finally we toasted to a happy and healthy New Year. Note the time on the clock. We toasted a bit early. Happy New Year!