
Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Nicko made the varsity football team this year. He's jersey 64 and playing nose tackle. Tonight was a big thrill to have his name announced as one of the starters. And they even pronounced his name correctly! How cool is that? I think Joel and I were more excited than Nicko. They have not had a great deal of luck on the field as a winning team, but they sure are trying. All I can say is that our Friday night hang out has been the Neenah football field lately and I am loving it. Football is so much more fun when you have someone to cheer for on the field.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel

It is no secret in our house that Daniel LOVES to make noise. If he is playing the piano, it is at full volume. If he is singing, it is at full volume, tapping his foot, laughing, clapping, talking, whatever he is doing, it is usually at full volume.

So last spring when his band teacher told him he was the loudest trumpet player in the 8th grade band, Daniel was so proud. He told us about it for days. I mean out of everyone HE was the loudest! What a triumphant accomplishment for my son!

So in Daniel's pursuit of making noise, err making a lot of noise, he has found a new way to project his love of noise. It's not an elephant in our house nor is it a fog horn, but it has sounded like both at times. I've never seen such a happy smile on this kid as when he lugged a tuba into the house and announced that the band director let him borrow it so he could practice.

Daniel suddenly has a new passion in life and it is learning bass clef and blowing his little heart out into that tuba. Today he has a half day of school and he can't wait to get home and practice until football practice! Lucky Me. ;-)
