
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Isaac's Tomatoes

We don't have a garden, but we do have a patio full of pots. Isaac asked to be in charge of tomatoes this year and I gladly let him. He started plants form seed in the spring and this is what he wound up with.

He and Alyssa love picking time. Picking tomatoes is serious business. You have to leave the under ripe tomatoes on the vine and you can't leave any of the ripe ones behind.

A few tomatoes, a handful of herbs and a few edible flowers, and we are ready to make something pretty yummy!

My favorite thing about Isaac's tomatoes!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Alyssa!

This year Alyssa wanted to celebrated her birthday with a slumber party. So that is what we did. We planned a polka dot birthday party for her and her two very best friends. The party was a whole family effort and we had a lot of fun planning.

When the girls arrived, the boys were on hand to deliver their 'luggage' to the girls' bedroom for safe keeping because instead of sleeping in Alyssa and Amanda's bedroom, all the girls were spending the night in the sun room which we redecorated to look like this. It is amazing what you can do with $4.50 worth of balloons, a long piece of heavy duty thread and a Command hook!

Also, the birthday cake is always a big deal. Alyssa chose to have cupcakes instead. So we tried to make those cupcakes as special as we could. So we put polka dots on them. And we made sure they were pink. And then we were even able to make them sparkle. And then we gave each kid their own sparkling candle to blow out with Alyssa.

We also hung a piece of wrapping paper on the wall to be a back drop for pictures with the birthday girl. Here is a picture of my two beautiful girls together. And they are wearing polka dots too!

We also made gift bags. I had to make more bags for my kids than for the guests! But they were fun to make and Alyssa loved them which was the whole point. We put little baggies of round candy together to go in the gift bags.

The kids also watched Alyssa's favorite movie, The Princess Bride. Not your most traditional princess story, but it works for Alyssa. The boys were most excited about the snacks for movie time which had to go with the theme of the party.

And then the very best part of a slumber party is the silly time right before bed. We had music, sunglasses, make up, dress up toys, and especially the camera to make everything a little more silly and a little more fun.

And then, after all that, it was bedtime. :-) Whew! Happy Birthday Alyssa!
