We had a great Independence Day Weekend this year. We had visitors from 3 different states. We had kids and sleeping bags in all the corners of the house. We met new cousins for the first time. Amanda meet David, David meet Amanda.
It is amazing how quickly kids meet and instantly become friends. They can immediately find a few things in common and off they go. This was a great group to play together. I was busy visiting, so pictures are much more limited that I would like them to be. I did get a few, but the time just flew by. I wanted lots more time to visit, play, photograph and enjoy the company we were so blessed to have. Unfortunately this is the only group photo I have of the kids!
4th of July Breakfast was french toast kabobs. (Can you sort of see the red, white, and blue inspiration?)

In my mind I was going to serve this...
What I actually served is this. You only have so much time and pretty soon a STARVING mob of children are threatening to faint away from hunger pains if you do not feed them immediately. So they got...
Then we all went swimming. Swimming is always fun, but it is especially fun when Dad, Uncles and Wilson the dog goes along too.
Uncle Joel had a few minutes of baby time with his cousin's son and daughter that we met for the first time this weekend. Clara was actually enjoying Uncle Joel until the second I picked up my camera!
We played lots of games. We played boccie ball, badminton, ladder balls and soccer. We did not let a little thing like the dark stop us from playing.
Then it was time to eat again. Aunt Laura made the most beautiful hot dogs I have ever seen in my life. So beautiful they were picture worthy.
Part of the starving mob of children. She is smiling for the picture, but she is really counting the seconds until she can eat. Can you say growth spurt?

I really cracked the whip and made everyone helped out. I did not mind putting a 10 and 6 year old to work washing my dishes. They did a great job and I got to sit down, eat ice cream and file my nails. ;-) Just kidding!

But I did feed my workers with popsicles.

I also encouraged my children to be welcoming to their new cousins to make them feel at home! Daniel took this job very seriously.

This poor boy was forced to hug Aunt Heather daily. Her number one rule? I need seven hugs a day per child. That usually does it. Hugs are so important to Aunt Heather. Maybe important to the kids as well? (Please say yes! Please say yes!)
And finally after all the food, fun and family, it was time for bed. We had a 9 child sleep over in the living room.

There were a few fireworks. There was confusion and noise. There was laughter. There was a little spilled milk and a few tears. There were big and little cousins catching up with each other. It all went by in about three seconds! As fast as it all went, I loved seeing everyone. I loved meeting the newest members of the family and I would do it all over again.
Thank you everyone for all the help, all the memories and....WHEN CAN WE DO IT AGAIN? :-) Kristen, you have to be here next time! We all missed you and your family.
God Bless America.