
Friday, May 28, 2010

Quick Update

I wonder how many of my posts are titled 'Quick Update'? Anyway, ummm, we've been busy. Really busy. Kids are pretty sure that it is summer vacation despite still having to go to school. We've had the last round of concerts for the year, track is finished now, extra projects and staying after school has been wrapped up, field trips galore have been planned and paid for, summer activities are getting their final plans and on top of all that, we have 4 kids that have turned off the school schedule mentality and turned on laid back-summer vacation-relaxation mode. Main topics of conversation include shorts, snacks and when is the dock going in? Fun times.

But here are a few pictures from the recent weeks of activities. Here is a shot of our favorite park. We went on a lazy Sunday afternoon so the kids could roller blade, play soccer, play on the playground equipment, run around and play football. They were so excited to go and they loaded up the car with all the balls, roller blades, snacks, water bottles, and they even remembered a blanket for Joel and I to relax on. So you can imagine our surprise when 5 kids wandered over to the blanket and just hung out with Joel and I for the better part of two hours. Isaac and Alyssa did spend a fair amount of time on their roller blades though. Either they needed some relaxation time as much as their parents...or our teenagers really like us. ROFLMBO! (That means rolling on floor laughing my butt off in text language.) Yep, I'm going with the second option. ;-)

That is Daniel waving from the tree.

Concert smiles from Isaac and Daniel. I am a horrible mother because I forgot to even take the camera to Nicko's concert. I'll get two from the Memorial Day Parade of Nicko to make up for it.

Also here is a shot of Daniel smiling away on a beautiful day at one of his track meets.
