
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bake Sale

I love a bake sale. I think it is such a good fundraiser to have. And this year, the bake sale was even more fun because Amanda helped me. I had so much fun baking with her. She was a great helper and we were really able to come up with some fun things for the kids.

This is Paul Deen inspired TV dinner cupcakes. Aren't they so stinking cute? You get a chicken leg, peas and carrots and a little pile of mashed potatoes with a pat of butter. It is amazing what some green M&M's and a donut hole can be transformed into.

This is a version of puppy chow, which I am informed is like the best thing EVER at a bake sale. I took an old Chirstmas tin and used scrapbook paper to give it a new look. It was so cute. I almost wanted to keep it just to look at it.

The second favorite treat for a bake sale is apparently rice crispy treats. So Amanda made the rice crispies and pressed them into a jelly roll pan. Then she cut them out into circles. We frosted the edges and then rolled them in sprinkles. Colorful and so cute.

Then we made some of our favorites. Magic bars make Daniel drool. So...

Here is a shot of everything we made. The baking was Amanda's favorite part, mine was making everything look pretty. Together we made a pretty good team. By the way, we used colored ribbon from Wal Mart and seran wrap to wrap everything in a super cute way, and while it took more time than packaging everything in zip lock bags, it was a fraction of the cost. :-) We thought the colorful ribbon would make things cuter and draw the customers. I don't know if it worked.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Break 2010

I have misplaced the photo card that has all our Easter and Spring Break photos on it. Bummer. But luckily the kids have a camera and they always take as many pictures as I do, so I borrowed their memory card. :-)

We started off at the zoo.

And we saw...


and...the bears weren't available for our viewing pleasure. But we did see...

We woke up to this on Thursday morning.

But the snow melted quickly. Good thing because the boys had a date for their friends to come over for a game of football.

We also managed to have a Lego fest. Isaac created a swimming pool for the little space guys.

Here is a close up in case you are interested.

And Amanda made little spring cupcakes.

We also put three puzzles together, heard lots of music being hammered out on the keyboard, we cleaned zero closets, we made cookies, and we mostly enjoyed sleeping in. Happy Spring Break!

P.S. If I find MY photo card, I'll post pictures of Easter and the kids smiling like crazy in front of the zoo sign. :-)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


We have the best dog in the world. Morgan is gentle, sweet and amazingly vain! Nothing gets her so excited as a trip to the groomers. Every girl loves to have her hair done and Morgan is no exception. Here is a picture of her sporting ribbons in her...ears? She was so excited that I could not even get her to sit down so I could take her picture.

Glacier Canyon Lodge

Nothing excites us as much as going to Glacier Canyon Lodge for a couple of nights. It will never get old. We had to take pictures of this trip because it was our first trip with Amanda.

We have our routine down pat now. First we take a bunch of pictures before the kids can mess things up.
Look, the boys have a clean bedroom for once!

Then we watch a movie. It is VERY important to watch the movie on the first night. Night two after water parks, I guarantee that we will not all make it through a movie.

After that, we all head to bed. We have to get a good nights rest so we can hit the water parks in the morning. The water parks do not open until 9 or 10 so that leaves us plenty of time to make a BIG breakfast to keep the kids going until they stop for lunch. I happen to know that Nicko not only ate all of this, but he also had another full plate of food.

Then it is time to put on our wrist bands and head off.

We came back to our room for lunch and then were back at it as soon as possible. After a few more hours of running up endless stairs to get on the rides, screaming their heads off...just for fun, and trying to stay afloat in the wave pool, it is time to head back to the room and find a lower energy way to play. A game of Rumicube is just the thing.

Wake up Amanda! It's not bedtime yet.

One of the things we really like to do is bring cookie dough and bake fresh cookies for a treat after dinner.

The only trick is protecting the cookies from...

(That is Daniel hiding behind Joel and the two of them are so bad at sneaking treats on the sly. They do not even have the nerve to look guilty!)

And then it is off to bed. It takes about two minutes to pass out after a day in the water park. The next morning the sun comes up, but the kids...not so much!
