
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Marching Band Concert 2010

Last week we had a blast at Daniel and Nicko's Marching Band Concert. It is our favorite band event of the year for sure. Daniel got a special introduction from his band director. Daniel has only been playing the tuba for six weeks and apparently doing a great job.

One of the things we love about this concert is the audience participation factor. We were told to jump up and yell HEY on the count of three. The kids loved it.

This concert is so fun, it puts everyone in a good mood...even teenagers! :-)

They're Growing Up!

Daniel is getting ready for something sort of special. He is getting ready to go to his very first job interview. Where did the time go?

He is nervous and excited at the same time. But even more than that, he is so excited about life. I am amazed at what an incredible young man he has become.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Isaac!

We are usually not so...birthday party-ish. But this was the year that Alyssa and Isaac had to have a birthday party. So when Isaac gave me his very long wish list for his birthday party, we went to work planning a sleep over party. Isaac had very specific 'requests.' He wanted a fall leaf theme. He specifically asked if I could somehow get a leaf design on a grilled cheese sandwich. Are you kidding me?

He wanted to camp out. It was a little to cold for the tent, but we managed to find a way to let him camp out.

A movie with snacks, you know like homemade caramel corn, caramel apples, and something to drink. (Do you think someone likes caramel?)

He wanted games.

And music and dancing.

He had so much fun with his awesome friends that he wore himself out.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Leaf Pile

We have a lot of trees in our yard. Big trees with long branches. We love our trees, but that means we have a lot of raking to do. A LOT. But when life hands you leaves, make a leaf pile. So the kids did just that.

We invited the Adams family and Nicko's girlfriend, Stephany, over to join the fun. Here is our lovely group.

The kids put on quite a show for us as they got the most out of that leaf pile. Nicko got himself all wound up for an amazing jump...too bad he completely missed the pile! Ouch. He was okay though. He laughed and got up to do it again.

Daniel doing a back flip into the pile.

Isaac getting the heave ho into the pile.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Color Tour in Our Front Yard

We have been having the most beautiful fall here in Wisconsin. We are loving the beautiful color and the beautiful weather.

Sun Rises in Wisconsin

My neighbors must think I am insane. Every once in awhile, I go running down the drive way in my pj's hoping to catch a picture of the beautiful sunrise we happen to be having. The sunrises fade so quickly so I only have a few minutes to catch as much color as I can. This past week has been particularly beautiful. The pictures don't really do justice to the morning beauty, but it is still worth seeing...I think.

And even the clouds have been pretty!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Homecoming 2010

***WARNING*** This is a LONG post! But Homecoming is so exciting I can't leave anything out. This year was so much fun. The kids had dress up days at school. There was a Homecoming parade, football games...and the Homecoming dance. It was a full week of fun and I loved mostly every minute of it. We had beautiful weather, the kids had fun, and the adults sure enjoyed every minute we could. Can't wait for next year.

We started off with Isaac's football game on Tuesday. His team won in a big way. The final score was 46-0. (Sorry for the blurry picture.) This is Isaac getting ready to tackle # 40.

Then we had Daniel's football game on Thursday. Daniel is #84. His team did not win the game, but something way more important happened. DANIEL CAUGHT A TOUCHDOWN PASS!!! I don't have a picture. But the details are: *30 yard pass, *pass was bobbled, *Daniel caught it in the end zone.

We came home to find a surprise for Nicko taped to the garage door. It was a fun way to start getting excited for the big Homecoming football game.

It also made a great spot to take the kids' picture while they we were sporting their red and white for the final dress up day of Homecoming week.

After school, there was the Homecoming Parade. We LOVE parades. We met our good friends at the parade. Alyssa and Katie were so happy to see each other.

And here is Alyssa and Nathan making a plan for all the candy they plan on gathering up during the parade.

And then the parade started. First we saw Daniel in the parade. This was a big deal to Daniel as this was his first performance where he was a tuba player.

Then we saw Isaac marching with his football team.

After the mass confusion of the parade, we headed over to the high school for the football game. The Homecoming committee had decorated for the occasion by hanging a jersey for each football player on the fence. I thought this was a really cute idea.

Alyssa is so proud of her older brothers. She was so happy to find Nicko's jersey in the line up.

And then the game started. We have had a really bad loosing streak this year, but we were really hopeful that this game would end on a happy note...but more about that later.

The freshman were part of their first halftime show this year. Daniel just started playing the tuba this fall and his goal was to be able to play the tuba in the halftime show. I was so happy that he reached his goal.

After halftime, the football game got interesting. For a few minutes it looked like Neenah might have the tiniest chance to win. They wound up loosing, but this is the scoreboard during a few brief minutes of excitement.

But after the disappointment of the game, there was Saturday night to look forward to. Daniel had a date for the Homecoming dance and Nicko had a date with his girl friend, but they did not go to the dance. Here are a few pictures from Daniels big night out.

sigh the end

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Nicko made the varsity football team this year. He's jersey 64 and playing nose tackle. Tonight was a big thrill to have his name announced as one of the starters. And they even pronounced his name correctly! How cool is that? I think Joel and I were more excited than Nicko. They have not had a great deal of luck on the field as a winning team, but they sure are trying. All I can say is that our Friday night hang out has been the Neenah football field lately and I am loving it. Football is so much more fun when you have someone to cheer for on the field.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel

It is no secret in our house that Daniel LOVES to make noise. If he is playing the piano, it is at full volume. If he is singing, it is at full volume, tapping his foot, laughing, clapping, talking, whatever he is doing, it is usually at full volume.

So last spring when his band teacher told him he was the loudest trumpet player in the 8th grade band, Daniel was so proud. He told us about it for days. I mean out of everyone HE was the loudest! What a triumphant accomplishment for my son!

So in Daniel's pursuit of making noise, err making a lot of noise, he has found a new way to project his love of noise. It's not an elephant in our house nor is it a fog horn, but it has sounded like both at times. I've never seen such a happy smile on this kid as when he lugged a tuba into the house and announced that the band director let him borrow it so he could practice.

Daniel suddenly has a new passion in life and it is learning bass clef and blowing his little heart out into that tuba. Today he has a half day of school and he can't wait to get home and practice until football practice! Lucky Me. ;-)
