
Thursday, October 30, 2008

School Field Trip to the Gerald R Ford Museum

The kids had a school field trip to the Gerald R Ford Museum. Mom went as a chaperon and we had an interesting morning. We learned all about the former President and his ties to the Grand Rapids area. Most interesting facts and quotes from the day are:
-Gerald R Ford was adopted
-Gerald R Ford played football at U of M and was the MVP one year
-Quote from GRF, 'It's not the promises you make, it's the promises you keep,'
- Quote from Isaac, "We really weren't there for very long...we probably could have learned more!"

The photos are of the four kids standing in front of a chunk of the Berlin Wall, Daniel reading President Fords Inaugural Speech, and the Oval Office...not the real Oval Office.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not a Very Exciting Time to Start a Blog!

It has occurred to me that I probably picked a very poor time to begin a family blog! We are living out of boxes, the kids have not been involved in many activities lately, and we are not taking a ton of pictures. We have even agreed to forgo dressing up for Halloween. In November, we will be going to see Madagascar II as our Halloween treat! We are not having our Halloween Party for the kids this year and we are not carving a pumpkin. WE ARE MOVING instead! So, I have not abandoned the idea of our blog, I just don't have anything to add right now.

November 9th is Moving Day for the Boiten Family. Please, keep us in your prayers. We have a six hour drive through four states. Joel and Nicko are manning the big moving truck. Daniel, Isaac, Alyssa and Morgan are driving ahead with Mom in the mini van. Joel's parents are meeting us at the house to lend a much needed helping hand. It should be one long day of chaos, exhaustion and a long list of work to be done! The kids are excited about seeing the new house, but nervous about starting new schools. I just can't wait to have things put away and organized.

Other than planning the move and tying up a few loose ends here in Michigan, not too much is new. I am still hoping for a sunny day to take pictures of the kids with our beautiful fall leaves. It seems like when the kids are home, we have rain and when they are off with their friends, we have sun. Oh well.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Day of Champions

Fall has come to Western Michigan. The Goose Festival is in full swing this weekend. One of the big draws for this festival is the running competitions. This year we had four entries. Nicko ran the 5k course this morning at 9:30. He ran well and he is very happy with his performance. Daniel, Isaac and Alyssa ran the one mile course this afternoon at 4:00. Alyssa finished first place for the girls in her age bracket. Daniel finished second place for the boys in his age bracket. Isaac was right behind him, but did not place. In between running competitions we had a parade that the kids walked in. It's been a full day. Luckily we were close enough to walk home for breaks as needed. It was a hot day for running! With all the coming and going we are pooped! The kids are quickly running out of steam. I think it's a pizza night.
